Project Description
A test of patience, determination, nerve and hand-to-eye coordination. It can take place either indoors or outdoors. There are two main bow types, the Olympic Recurve, the high tech Compound and the traditional Longbow. The main disciplines are Target Archery, using static targets set at known distances and Field Archery using targets set at unknown distances in woodland.
How much will I exert myself?
Archery is both an individual and team sport, which provides a great opportunity to challenge yourself, meet new people and achieve goals early on. There are many opportunities to progress through the ranks, shooting for club, county and even country. Whether you want to develop and compete or simply have a go – archery really is a sport for all.
Just the beginning…
Please visit the Grand National Archery Society’s website for more information and clubs to join if you have enjoyed the sessions and wish to continue;